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TechCheck-In Self-Service Kiosk

TechCheck-In was an web application originally implemented in Fall 2009 by myself (as designer) and the Shared Services Web Team (back-end and coding). The program allows visitors arriving at The Tech Spot to check-in and input their device information. Staff members use the program to track the progress of the repair until the device is ready for pick-up.

For the 2.0 version, I worked with staff and customers at The Tech Spot to greatly improve the customer-facing features of the check-in system to allow for true self-service without intervention from employees. We split the check-in process into three separate scenarios: (1) Quick Question or Purchase (2) Computer Help and (3) Pick-Up. This allowed for a customized experience based on the customer's reason for visiting and also improved the back-end tracking of visitors.

I helped with blueprinting, wireframing, testing and user interface elements in this version. You can see the wireframes and pieces of the final product below. Information Services' and Residence Services Web Presence team was responsible for all development, CSS and back-end database programming and should be commended for their great work.

Overall, the product has performed very well and improved the customer experience while reducing negative customer feedback about the check-in/check-out process.